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An ISO 26262 Automotive Semiconductor Safety Primer

Understanding the implications of the ISO 26262 standard on electronic systems development

The ISO 26262 Automotive Safety Standard provides critical guidance on the development of electronic hardware with a tolerable level of risk for modern electric and autonomous vehicles. However, the standard, and derivative works tend to be filled with jargon, acronyms, and preconceived knowledge requirements that make understanding the subject difficult and time consuming. This paper attempts to provide a clear, concise description of the key elements of the standard for developers, such that a working knowledge of its methodology requirements may be achieved.

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Shaping the Future of Autonomous Driving

In this video, we show the benefits of Optima’s tools for semiconductor chip designers and how we allow them to produce ASIL-D chips, removing the need for 3X redundancy and reducing the cost of the autonomous driving system to third.

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Optima in industry media

In this article, we are witnessing this evolution in the automotive space today, as next-generation fault analysis, formal verification, test suite synthesis, and other approaches become apparent. What is fascinating about this evolution is that this second wave will also enable opportunities that were either out of reach or unimaginable, having a dramatic impact on design quality and functionality. Moreover, this article will both look at the improvements-on-offer to the automotive verification core methodology, as well as discuss potential new opportunities.

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